Contact us
Only humans are supposed to use the submit form, bots using automation discuraged.
Contact Information
You can contact our general manager Richard Schepers via mail and he will get back to you.
29 Bd Grande-Duchesse Charlotte
1331 Luxembourg
Our corporate registration and business license No 10093473/1 can be downloaded here.
Frequently asked questions
Simple to answer really, consider the following 8 points 1. Have you been handing out your WiFi password to some one, especially some one you no longer have a relationship with? 2. Have you shared an account like streaming service like Netflix, Disney, Amazon? 3. Could some one that was at your house have gained access to your smart devices? 4. Did some one use your phone, lets say to order food? 5. Did you dispose of old electronics like a printer, a phone, or any wireless-enabled wearable technology like a watch or Fitbit? 6. You're internet service provider gave you some router, or your router is cheep, or more than a year old?
If any of the above is a ''yes'' then first, before you continue reading do this, in this order
I. change the passwords on your email accounts
II. change all the passwords to all financial services (banking, Credit cards, Investment portfolios...)
III. change all passwords on all your social media accounts
Also, if any of the following is true
7 You any one in your household plays on-line games.
8 You have data that ... you can't afford to loose, or would not like to share with the whole world.

**Here are the common ways where you will be exposed**
a) Infrastructure gets attacked from the world wide web by dual use software that will scan for vulnerabilities on your network literally giving a detailed road map of how to gain access;
b) Your WiFi network is easily targeted by individuals that attack router via its default user name and password as well as remote management configurations. If they really want to get in, then they will get in, and they will use software like RouterSploit or MetaSploit to join your network;
c) Infrastructure gets attacked by its own edge devices like routers and firewalls, sounds bizarre right, well it’s the most common exploit used by attackers. A hacker will take over an edge device like a router and use the router to attack the owner of the network from within;
d) You get attacked via your local network using compromised hardware like other computers on the network. The network can be your home or office network but also that cool VPN network;
e) Users get attacked by your IoT devices like a smart thermostat, smart TV’s, smart light bulbs, Air-conditioning, even their own phone via that cool app/ game. All these devices have software that is not designed with security in mind and has no anti-virus or firewall on it;
f) Large organizations get attacked all the time via an employee bringing compromised hardware to the workplace or, the user gets compromised themselves when he/she connects to the office.
We do not store credit cart or any other data that would be considered identifiable GDPR related, we do not even use cookies to identify who you are when you visit the site again.
If you provide us with your email address we will use it to inform you when we detect that your personal data is being sold on the dark-web. If you do not than this feature will only work if your PC is active as your PC knows your email addresses and the intrusion detection service validates those for you.
Some services like emailing customer support or contacting us via WhatsApp requires us being able to identify who you are and that you are a client with an active support contract. It would likely speed things up but most of the time it's not needed.
No, all products are licensed per machine as it is a machine that is protected. The machine can have several users, they will all be protected, that’s fine.
We refund to the same payment method you used when you bought the product. We will refund the same credit card or refund to the same bank account. To prevent abuse, we do not accept one type of payments and use a different type for the refund.
All our customers have the same refund policy, we do not differentiate between EU and non-EU clients when it comes to service, every one by law gets 14 days on any items bough. There are some limitations, but in general we are happy to refund within 30 day. have a look at the [refund policy](/terms) for details.
Typically, it would update automatically. However, if you like you can simply install the latest trail version and it will pick-up on the existing license.
It's the license key that updates the machine learning models and ant-malware rules, the software can be up or downgraded as you see fit.
Typically a operating system that is still in supported. The software typically doesn't need any particular software other than that what we bring with us in the installer.
If you run into an issue just re-install or opt to repair the software and it will update it for you