Customer support
On this page, we offer customer support for VESNX products like IDPS as well as the Walter Framework.
Asking for help
We primarily offer support to our clients in accordance with the support level & policy of the products purchased. However, if you need help that's outside the support level or if you're not a customer, we've got you covered.
Enter your details and a service representative will contact you.
The Walter.Net Security Framework
The support for the NuGet packages of the Walter framework can be found at if you need support other than listed there feel free to use the bellow form. Please note that your license key is the domain or application name that uses the framework.
If you have never heard of the framework and you develop or use .NET software have a look as with over 18.79 million downloads we must be doing something right.
- For help regarding your physical devices consult the accompanying manual.
- For help installing the software you can "WhatsApp us"" using the number bellow as well as send us a invite to assist you using remote support with tools like TeamViewer or Chrome Remote Desktop.
If you need support concerning any of the following services:
- Security evaluation
- Malware removal
- Disaster Prevention & Recovery
- Penetration testing
Contact your VESNX representative directly; if you believe a device has been infected, call the number on the footer of this page immediately.